அனுநாதம் | ənʉnɑːd̪əm

தமிழ் ஒலிப்பு எழுத்து மாற்றி




Tamil is largely a phonemic script. However, it is quite rich in allophones. For example, unlike most other Indian languages which phonemically differentiate voiced and un-voiced phones, they are considered allophones in Tamil and hence not graphemically differentiated. Similarly, even with vowels several allophonic variants can be seen.

This tool attempts to analyze allphonic variants in a given Tamil input and produce a phonetically transcribed text.

It must be noted that this converter only corresponds to the standardized pronunciation of Tamil in Tamil Nadu. Sri Lankan Tamil is quite different. For instance «ṟṟ» and «ṉṟ» are pronounced differently in that dialect.


The converter faces the following limitations. They may be overcome in the future.

The Transliteration of a word in ISO 15919 is enclosed by «transliteration» and the approximate transcription in ISO 15919 by /transcription/.

Font Display

The following fonts are dynamically loaded from the server to display IPA characters.

Hence, you should be able to view the IPA text without any problems. If you do face problems in display, please install any of the listed fonts locally in your computer

Other Languages

Though this program mainly aims at IPA transcription, you may also view the transcribed Tamil text in several Indian languages. They have been derived from my other tool Aksharamukha.

Text Ouput

By default, the convert text is displayed in IPA and the original Tamil text is displayed as a tooltip. However you may reverse the order or even use ruby texts to display the transcriptions.


The converter is also available has a REST API servive.

A POST or GET request must be sent to following URL : http://anunaadam.appspot.com/api with the following parameters:

text: The Tamil text that needs to be transcribed
method: 1 for Narrow and 2 for broad


You can also invoke this tool from the Terminal. Download the source code from Github. It has to be then invoked using the PHP CLI.

In OS X Mountain Lion, the in-built PHP doesn't seem to handle UTF-8 properly. You can install PHP 5.4 using Homebrew and then use it as CLI.

|| எல்லாச் சொல்லும் பொருள் குறித்தனவே | | সিদ্ধেஸித்³தே⁴ শব্দার্থসংবন্ধেஸ²ப்³தா³ர்த²ஸம்ப³ந்தே⁴ ||

Copyright © 2014 Vinodh Rajan. This software is released under GNU AGPL v3 license. You may read the license here